Vocational Education and Training
Vocational education and training (VET) qualifications are nationally recognized qualifications that develop skills and work readiness through practical learning. VET can also lead to further education and training.
VET certificates and qualifications can contribute to the achievement of a QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) and provide a range of pathways to work and further education.
In the QCE system, achievement of a VET Certificate III or above, in combination with results in General subjects, can contribute to the calculation of a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
The approach recognises the role that VET plays in senior studies, while also ensuring that students have a sufficient breadth of academic subjects to cope with the demands of tertiary study.
QCAA -Vocational education and training (VET)
VET at Burpengary State Secondary College
The College has formed productive partnerships with external registered training organisations to offer a range of qualifications in the senior phase of learning. Details of these qualifications can be found in Curriculum section of the website under the relevant departments.
The College is also registered for the delivery of vocational courses through the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) as delegate for Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). National Provider No. 45446
The college offers the following VET courses:
Other courses
While studying for a QCE, students are also able to enrol in TAFE at schools courses. TAFE offers a large range of certificates and qualifications that contribute to the QCE as well as give students a head start in their chosen career. Please complete and expression of interest form and see the school’s VET Coordinator for more information on this.
Complaints and Appeals
For information on complaints and appeals that refer to qualifications on the schools scope of registration, please see the complaint and appeals section in the Student Handbook. Information on student rights and responsibilities regarding vocational education and training are also contained within the Student Handbook.