Subject Description
Furnishing Skills focuses on the underpinning industry practices and production processes required to manufacture furnishing products with high aesthetic qualities.
Students understand industry practices; interpret specifications, including technical information and drawings; demonstrate and apply safe practical production processes with hand/power tools and machinery; communicate using oral, written and graphical modes; organise, calculate and plan production processes; and evaluate the products they create using predefined specifications.
Weekly workload in hours
3+ hours
Industry practices Production processes
| Cabinet-making Furniture finishing Furniture-making Glazing and framing Upholstery
For Furnishing Skills, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments, including:
- at least two projects
- at least one practical demonstration (separate to the assessable component of a project).
Summative assessment
A response to a single task, situation and/or scenario.
| A task that assesses the practical application of a specific set of teacher-identified production skills and procedures.
| A response that answers a number of provided questions, scenarios and/or problems.