We study The Creative Arts because we want to create and communicate ideas and stories through sound, movement, words and images. We work individually, and in groups, to inspire understanding and happiness in ourselves and our audiences.
Subject description
Music is for you if enjoy singing, playing instruments, writing and composing Music, listening and responding to Music, exploring and experiencing new and previously unknown genres, performers and styles of Music.
Studying music will help students to improve group working skills to collectively perform and rehearse music; Improve individual creative thinking processes and apply them to performing, composing and listening.
Skills developed
- Singing
- Playing an instrument
- Composing music
- Analysing and responding to Music
Out of class requirements
Extra-curricular performances during lunchtimes and after school for College and Community audiences.
Participation in College ensembles, groups, Musicals, Showcase events, Community Music events.
What’s important for this subject
An interest and passion for music in its many styles and genres. You enjoy performing for “real” audiences of your peers and the community.
Course Outline & Assessment
Unit 1 - Performing - Guitar, Drums, Bass, Keyboard:
- Performing keyboard solo – Hedwig’s Theme, Fur Elise
- Performing guitar bass drums – “Hound Dog” Elvis Presley – rotate through playing ALL instruments in small group
Unit 1 - Vocal Music:
- Perform small group (3 - 4 performers) Vocal with harmony
- Compose Verse and Chorus song for voices (more than one vocal part to include harmony), piano/guitar, drums, bass guitar
Unit 2 - Song writing: choose guitar or keyboard focus, must include vocal element
- Compose an original 16 bar relationship/love song for voice and guitar/keyboard, using 3 to 4 chords minimum
- Sing and play your 16 bar 3 to 4 chord relationship/love song
| Unit 2 - Digital Music Composing and Recording; Live Performance:
- Composition – original work based on a theme studied in class
- Performance – rehearse and present to class
- Prepare a Lunch time concert
To Study Year 11 Music - C or above in Year 10 English; C or above in Year 10 Music
Arts Innovation Music Groups: Student Rock Bands, Instrumental Music Ensembles – Concert Band, String Ensemble, Voices with Courage, Guitar Gurus, Bi-Annual College Musical, Friday lunchtime concerts